
Our view is the investor's view - generating value for the shareholders! Either in Portfoliomanagement or Corporate Advisory.

Realisation & Optimization

Portfolio Management

Portfolio management services essentially comprise:

  • Building and expanding reporting and controlling systems.
  • Optimising finances (e.g. working capital, management of receivables and accounts payable) and restructurings (equity/debts; restructure liabilities side in balance sheets).
  • Actively monitor holding companies/investment companies/joint ventures or investment portfolios and extend activities to include assuming operational responsibility by becoming interim executives (CEO, CFO, COO, CRO). ICS employs restructuring experts that can take on line responsibility or assume executive powers.

ICS typical portfolio management services comprise:

  • Validate and expand reporting systems
  • Analyse and manage liquidity
  • Improve cost, earnings, and turnover structures
  • Optimise performance (e.g. working capital, liquidity management, production optimisation)
  • Negotiate with finance partners/banks
  • Interim assumption of line responsibility and/or executive responsibility to support or replace underperforming management

Analysis & Process

Corporate Advisory

Corporate advisory services comprise:

  • Business audits or review exercises in the sense of financial, strategic and/or operational (weak-point) analyses. They can take the form of individual projects or assignments, or of assistance in audits/due diligence processes during transactions.
  • Analyse and optimise financing structure of companies and oversee fund raising (equity, junior capital, debt).
  • Facilitate transactions from initial analysis to closing and on to integration.

ICS typical advisory services comprise:

  • Review business plan and oversee fund raising
  • Facilitate transactions (for PE funds with no team in Europe, or to expand capacity)
  • Buy-side advisory assignments for companies
  • Business audits and reviews as financial, strategic, and/or operational analysis of critical points

Always at the forefront is the creation of numbers transparency and the accomplishment of operational appreciation of an investment or a corporate participation.